Local man ‘pretty sure’ he could write better Litany of Humility in his sleep

CHARLOTTE, NC—Local man Adam Barlett had a revelation this morning about his writing abilities.

During his weekly prayers, Barlett decided to read the Litany of Humility his wife had given him several years ago. The prayer, composed by Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val y Zulueta in the early 1900s, asks to be delivered from various manifestations of pride and selfishness. 

Barlett was “not impressed.” 

“All those dreary, repeating ‘Deliver me, oh Jesuses’!” his cat heard him say. “I’m pretty sure I could write a better prayer in my sleep.” 

Barlett made a point to tell his wife he read her prayer, and generously pointed out its many flaws. 

“I thought it was really boring, and frankly just not well crafted. I’ll write a better one for you,” he said. “If I get around to it.”

Originally published May 25, 2022