Joel Osteen starts own ‘Exodus 90: Milk and Honey’ program 

Prosperity Gospel preacher Joel Osteen has started his own 90-day penitential program to rival the unpopular Catholic “Exodus 90” regime. 

The megachurch star is calling it Exodus 90: Milk and Honey. 

“I got the idea when I saw how much everybody suddenly hated Exodus 90,” Osteen told The Daily Inquisition. “I realized–there’s a market opening for an alternative here!” 

Like the Catholic version, Osteen’s program walks participants through 90 days of religious practices in an effort to break old habits and form new, better ones. But unlike the Catholic version, which leaned on somewhat severe penances and disciplines, Milk and Honey will focus exclusively on positive practices aimed at living your best life NOW. 

“I really believe the best Easter you can have is one prefaced by a life of comfort and self-care,” Osteen told us. 

Exodus 90: Milk and Honey features a rigorous schedule of self-care practices that participants agree to perform every day and in the context of an accountability group. Some practices, like reading You are Stronger than You Think: Unleashing the Power to Go Bigger, Go Bold, and Go Beyond What Limits You take place over the course of the entire three months. But participants also commit to extensive daily/weekly practices, including: 

  • Hot showers
  • Daily dessert
  • Eating in bed or on a couch
  • At least 1 beer, glass of wine, or shot a day
  • At least 3 hours of social media scrolling
  • At least 1 Amazon purchase
  • Finishing 1 season of your favorite TV show every week

The program costs only $50/month, and fulfills the 1 Amazon purchase requirement for the first week. 

At press time, Catholic Twitter has widely criticized the program for being “too rigid.”