Catholic Mother Relieved Cohabitating Daughter Still Voted for Trump

Trenton, NEW JERSEY—Local Catholic and parish council chairwoman Susan Montgomery expressed her “relief” upon finding her cohabitating daughter was still a Republican. 

Susan and Dave, her husband of five years, said they had been worrying about the salvation of Susan’s 28-year-old daughter Jessica shortly after the 2016 Presidential Election. “She started posting photos of black people shot by the police on Facebook, and then one Thanksgiving we had a big fight about whether America should’ve invaded Iraq,” Susan allegedly confided to her bridge club. “I thought I was losing my daughter!” 

Jessica moved in with her boyfriend Michael in 2015, after they had been dating for 9 years. 

“I’m a very faithful person, and so I couldn’t stand to see my daughter going against God like that. So when she told me she voted for Trump in 2020 I was just so thankful!” Susan reportedly got misty eyed as she recalled the conversation they had had on the way to pick up Jessica’s birth control, expressing passionately the emotion that captured them both as they realized they had similar political beliefs. 

“It’s moments like that I realize what really matters,” she said before announcing a no-trump bid. The other bridge club members were said to have nodded in agreement before each passed on their bid turn. 

Originally published Dec 31, 2020