Diocese of Phoenix issues recall of baptisms after another infant found pagan

The Diocese of Phoenix has issued another recall on baptisms after new reports of an infant found invalidly baptized, according to the Consumer Sacrament Safety Commission. 

Only baptisms with sacramental dates between 1978-1979, 1986, 1993-1997, and 2004-2006 are affected. Consumers are advised to check their storage for any old sacramental records and discard them if they contain the dates announced in the recall. 

The Diocese of Phoenix has promised a full refund and a free conditional baptism. 

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) first made the Diocese aware of an issue last year. The DDF found a defect in the words that could cause the baptisms to break under the right conditions, sometimes harming infants. That problem led to a smaller recall, but appears to remain unresolved. 

“Further testing reveals a similar potential problem across more baptisms than originally thought,” the Consumer Sacrament Safety Commission said. “After an infant was found pagan after using the Diocese’s baptism, we have recommended a wider recall out of an abundance of caution. The Diocese has willingly agreed.” 

“With these actions, we want parents to know that validity will always be a cornerstone of our mission,” a statement from the Diocese said on the recall. “Millions of Catholics use our baptisms and sacramental services everyday, and we hope to continue to provide top-quality safe sacraments to all of our loyal parishioners.”