Jesuits considering adding oath not to seek higher office in the Church

The Jesuits are considering adding a “fourth vow” to their religious profession to not seek higher office in the Church. 

The revelations come amid widespread scrutiny of allegations of abuse by a prominent Jesuit, Fr. Marko Rupnik. The preacher and artist had been accused of abusing women religious in the 1990s, but the Vatican apparently had declined to prosecute the case. Media outlets reported the case was discarded under the canonical statute of limitations, though other similar cases had the statute of limitations waived. Vatican watchdogs speculate Fr. Rupnik may have gotten special treatment from fellow Jesuits running the high offices of the Church. 

“This is all so complicated,” Jesuit scholar Fr. James Martin told The Daily Inquisition. “It would be much simpler if us Jesuits were simply barred from seeking governance in the Church. I would support adding that promise anyway!”

The case was forwarded by the Jesuit superior to the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith. That Dicastery is headed by a Jesuit, employs a Jesuit sex crimes prosecutor, and falls under the auspices of the first Jesuit Pope. 

“You don’t know who to trust,” a high-ranking Jesuit confided to us. “I wish I never had to deal with being in authority.” He asked for anonymity and referred to himself only as “Jorge.” 

At press time, Pope Francis was considering passing the Papacy on to the Dominicans, who say they are very comfortable telling everyone what to do.