Joe Biden endorsed by Franciscans for pro-poverty policies

The 2024 Presidential primaries are heating up, and election-hopefuls are vying for endorsements heading into the summer.

President Joe Biden is no exception. He appears to have gotten a head start on his 2024 chances by winning the endorsement of the Franciscan order, on account of his “radical pro-poverty agenda.”

“President Biden has proven this past term that he supports the virtue of Poverty in all its grandeur. He deserves four more years to continue his work to increase Poverty across America,” a joint endorsement from various Franciscan branches read. 

An endorsement from such a major Catholic group is good news for the embattled Biden, who is facing a steep challenge heading into his second term. A Catholic himself, Biden has been harshly criticized for various social changes he’s enacted, especially concerning abortion. But it is the economy that may be his toughest selling point. Faced with persistent inflation, trickling job loss, and bank failure, many experts predict Americans will prioritize their shrinking pocketbooks over any other issue. 

But a Franciscan endorsement will go a long way to show that Biden is still in control of the economy, and has shrunk output purposefully as part of his program for Catholic social change. 

Political analysts predict this will also shore up the coveted Catholic vote for Biden, which was wavering after video leaked of the President receiving Communion on the tongue. 

“Unlike other candidates emerging now, President Biden has demonstrated himself a man driven to pursue the things of Christ,” the Franciscan statement continued. “The Vow of Poverty is central to the Franciscan Order, just as it was central to the heart of Christ Himself. And just as it is to the heart of Joseph Biden, too.”  

The endorsement had almost universal Franciscan approval including: the Capuchins, the T.O.R.s, the Friars Minor, the Poor Clares, and the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. 

Only the OFM Conventuals disagree, saying “we gotta get that money, yo.”