SSPX man upset that his children won’t obey his authority

A prominent member of the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X was reportedly “upset” yesterday at his children’s persistent disrespect. 

An anonymous wife alleged Brad Patriata was moping around the house for hours, sad at the repeated misbehavior and disobedience of his charges. 

“My own children won’t respect my authority as their father,” he was heard muttering. “Don’t they realize the things I tell them I mean for their own benefit?”

A despondent Patriata said that his faith made the disrespect especially difficult to bear. 

“I’m a proud SSPX Catholic, who knows that my position of authority over these children is ordained by God for their good!” he told his wife. “So I’m more upset for their sake than my own, because by disobeying me they risk sin and ruin.”

The crash of breaking glass from the other room signaled his children still had not gotten the message. 

“I warned them so many times not to throw that ball in the house!” he bemoaned. 

At press time, the Patriata kids were playing “Novus Ordo Mass” without their father’s permission, much to his chagrin.