Youth group visits monastery, confused by lack of guitars

The local youth group from Divine Redeemer parish were reportedly left “confused” by the lack of guitars at their visit to a Benedictine monastery. 

“Our youth minister told us beforehand that these people spend most of their day in prayer and worship, leading a life of perfection and holiness,” one local teen Alice Washington told us. “But then when we got there there were no guitars or bongos or really any instruments besides a crummy organ!” 

“And you expect me to believe they spend all day in praise and worship?” she quipped. 

Washington was not alone in her disbelief. 

“They said they do something called ‘chant,’ but then they just started singing in monotones in some foreign language,” teen Gregory Nantus said. “Like, don’t they know what chant even means?”

Despite the confusion, the trip leader Jeremy Bensen thought the visit went smoothly overall. 

“There was no extramarital hand-holding, no one got hurt, and the monks said we’d be welcome back anytime!” Bensen said. He added that he was “feeling thankful” for the trip’s resounding success. 

“Let’s just praise the Lord for such a fun trip!” the youth minister said, pulling out his guitar.